TRISA My Trip Home
I joined Trinity Senior Academy (TRISA) way back in 2015. I was still young in just senior one. Yes, I must truly admit that I did not in the start like it right away, like any other ordinary student. But because I carried the DNA of Trinity Primary School in blood, I knew it would work out right in the end. It contained smartness, punctuality and being social as well.
With this lifestyle, I easily adopted to the school and got an ally who was filled with admiration of me and spotted me out. He influenced me and I joined the Prefectural Body of 2015 to 2016. My first post was Time management. Believe me, I was a quiet student but I became famous in a nick of a second. Teachers became interested in me and this helped me improve my academics and way of life as well. Actually, I fell in love with Trinity even more.
I started to serve the school from the deepest part of my heart and got into different clubs and departments. I associated with some outstanding students, I will refer to them as patriots like Emiru Joseph who started teaching me how to play keyboard and operate machines.
If you realise, the vision of the school is to ‘’Produce all round students who are versatile, skilled and can fit in any society they go to.’’ I have received skills that will contribute to my life outside Trinity. My confidence has raised and I am outstanding and can fit everywhere.
Trinity is one school and city of its own. Having been in it for four years, I comment positively of its religious foundation, food, classrooms, discipline, the teaching and non- teaching staff, the green fields and more so the school uniforms. It is growing spiritually, physically, academically and I believe it is still being lifted up high.
I am driven by FAT; Faithful to all my friends, teachers and all other; Available to all duties which makes me gain more skills in my life and lastly being Teachable by anyone who may be in position to show me right thing!