Dear parent/student,
The Trinity community congratulates you upon excelling in your recent National Examinations (UCE /PLE) and we are excited to let you know that we have a limited slot for full scholarships for students with Aggregates 4 & 5 in PLE and Aggregates 8 to 13 for UCE. Limited partial scholarships are equally available for students with aggregates 6 and 7 for PLE and aggregates 14 to 15 in UCE.
Our scholarships are merit based and are awarded for excellence in academics and co-curricular activities. All relevant sections of this application must be accurately and dully completed.
Upon submission, scholarship committee will sit and verify the applications and successfully candidates will be contacted after the scholarship application window is closed.
For more information about us visit our website.
( or contact us using the contacts below.
For a sustainable education.
Trinity Admissions Office.
+256 706 851 282 | +256 704 687 809
+256 782 493 750 | +256 704 846 622