Sports & MDD Cover
I would like to share my take on the Sports and MDD events that happened this term. The competition was stiff among the four houses; Tiger, Zebra, Elephant, and Lion House.
Lion House took the leading position during the sports events, but when it came to MDD competitions, everyone expected either Tiger House or Lion house to take the leading position
Tiger House had been the leading house the previous years and this led them to be so proud. Speculation was rife over Tiger and Lion House claiming that one of the two houses had to win the MDD competitions.
The house patrons were also trying their level best to see their houses win and take the prize of a BULL.
Surprisingly, the houses that were not expected to win took the leading positions. Elephant House won, followed by Zebra house. The winners celebrated while the losers were sore.
Lesson learnt;
Pride is not good at all. Like the other houses had some pride in them and this led to their failure. So, I advise everyone to put pride away in anything you do. Congratulations Elephant House