Atwiine Bruce
My name is Atwiine Bruce; I am a student in Senior 5 at Trinity Senior Academy. I was in Trisa for my O level from 2014 to 2017 where I turned out to be the best in the 2017 National UCE in my class.
The 4 years that I had at Trinity Senior Academy were really full of unforgettable memories. To me, Trinity was a home away from home. Its an amazing experience to study in a school where all things are good starting from meals to academics…where teachers are free with their students which I think is one of the reasons for its great improvement in academics every year.
I cannot forget teachers like Mr. Tibaijuka, Mr. Edison, Madam Adrine, Teacher Arthur and many others who were always encouraging me and I believe I did not ashame any. I found great people like Kaya, Edwine, Kakeeto and Caleb who improved my life and taught me a lot of things like to be a fountain not a drain.
I have also grown up spiritually since TRISA is a Christian based school. Thanks to Madam Allen whose gospel of Christ has changed my life. I am also very proud of Trinity because of the good discipline that it highly emphasizes among students which has helped me fit in every society and survive in every situation. I believe it’s the only school that can make my dreams of becoming a Doctor come true, that’s why I choose to go back there for my A level.
Long live the Director, Mr. Mpamize, the Headmaster, Mr. Ngobi Abbey and the Trinity fraternity who have made the school a home away from home.
For Sustainable Education.