Mutuzo Irene Esther
The day I joined Trinity Academy Primary School (TAPS) marked an important step in both my academic and career journey. Back then, if anyone told me that the lessons and people I encountered while at this great school would be the stepping stone to my success, I would never have given it as much thought or imagined the immense impact all my experiences at TAPS could have had in my later years. One of my most fond memories was a time I scored 85% in a Mathematics examination. I remember being so excited that I had scored such a good mark. To my dismay, my teacher of Mathematics who always believed I had the ability to score 100% was disappointed and in his words he told me, “You can do better. Where did the 15 marks go?” This statement has stayed close to my heart to date and constantly reminds me I cannot afford to be a mediocre and therefore I need to strive for excellence in everything I do.
I embarked on my Secondary school education at Nabisunsa Girls’School and later pursued a university course – Bachelor in Organizational and Industrial Psychology at Makerere University where I attained a first class degree. At all these academic stages, I took with me the values of hard work, excellence and the strong spiritual beliefs I got from Trinity Academy Primary School. As I type this, I look back at the young lady I was that was exposed to public speaking at a tender age; a lady that grew to become a Head prefect of the school- short as I was but not too timid to take on responsibility and without a doubt attribute such rare confidence to my primary school. Your impact led me to become the Head of the debate club, the Students’ Council Chairperson and Vice President of the Writer’s Club in my secondary school. People say, ‘leaders are born’ but I believe it takes the right path to groom them into the best.
Trinity groomed me and opened my eyes that I too one day would be able to lead and motivate people, young and old. I often look back and reminisce about those Music, Dance and Drama competitions where our teachers with an iron hand forced us to learn some of the most difficult traditional instruments, made us sing our lungs out and practice till we got things right. Then, some of these things most definitely did not make sense, but whenI look at myself addressing crowds with so much ease and comfort, the ease with which I perform and inspire so many through the art of poetry, I do not attribute it to the fact that am such a great orator but to the school that exposed me to my first crowd of hundreds. My great Primary School, did not just groom one aspect of who I was. It helped me discover the hidden talent I had.It helped me realize that if I put my mind to things and believed in God, I had the capability to excel in not just academics but all other aspects of my life as well. If you ask me, this was the best foundation God could have given me because He knew I would be groomed in the best way and make friends that would go a long way in shaping my future.
At the age of 24 years, I am currently a Public Relations Officer of a very reputable organization. I will not lie that I am quite certain about what the future holds for me but one thing I am sure about is; Trinity Academy Primary School made me who I am today and my experiences while there will forever continue to have a lasting impact in my life. Thank you for grooming me.